Alien2nrs in Japan - Roppongi
Tokyo is famous of it's nightlife and Roppongi is the place to go, so we headed out for the night.

Metro to Roppongi.

Spotted R35 GT-R on the way.

Shark in a fish tank...

... next to this interesting big creature.

TGI Firdays offered great meal in a American style.

Gas Panic!

We found this cool robot with a light stick escorting cars by, lol!

Sweet Lexus - Kurihara Taxi.

Roppongi main street.

Teemu was the hero of the night. He ended up with some locals, drinking Sake til 7 am in the morning on a roof top somewhere in Shibuya, whatching sun rise!
It was a good night out :D

Metro to Roppongi.

Spotted R35 GT-R on the way.

Shark in a fish tank...

... next to this interesting big creature.

TGI Firdays offered great meal in a American style.

Gas Panic!

We found this cool robot with a light stick escorting cars by, lol!

Sweet Lexus - Kurihara Taxi.

Roppongi main street.

Teemu was the hero of the night. He ended up with some locals, drinking Sake til 7 am in the morning on a roof top somewhere in Shibuya, whatching sun rise!
It was a good night out :D