The search for +1000 whp RB26DETT
Hi chaps! Remeber this beast? (The +1033 hp RB26DETT Skyline from Finland)
So, the owner had some more Dyno sessions. The car did fine, it held the boost time after time, the engine got some cam adjustments done for different torque setups etc.

After few dozen the dyno sessions the engine was opened and analysed for wear & tear. It was fine, everything as it should be.
So the engine is going for some more boost, as the latest dyno figures were disappointing for the owner – you might think, what the hell… Well the figures were just under 1000 Wheel Horsepower, 996,6 whp to be exact. He wants +1000 whp from 2,6 litre engine, hah.
The new plan is to run it at 2.5 - 2.8 bar boost. The previously used 2.3 bar boost killed the Nismo twin plate clutch, a new HKS 3-plate sintered version is swapped for the new challenge. The pressure bearing for that set up is custom made by Valtonen Motorsport.
The previously used Panta fuel was changed to VP Q16 fuel (120 oct).
Other additional goodies are the new carbon doors, boot lid, bonnet, front fenders, front bumper, mask and OEM style rear spoiler. The weight saving is going to be huge.
The new Cusco 1-way diff found it’s place at he front, so did the new 1.5-way LSD at the rear. This should help with the grip problems.
And like any hiperformance car – they should have in car entertainment. Period. The owner choose Alpines finest to keep him happy when the engine shoots it self to the million pieces – nice theory. He's comment was: "This way you’re always happy in you’re Skyline".
Here's the final Dyno sheet & figures. Pretty damn impressive!

Max HP at the wheels!!! (Wheel Horsepower)
733,9 kW (DIN kW) = 996,6 whp (DIN hp) = 982,97 whp (SAE hp).
Max Torque at the wheels
954,9 Nm (DIN Nm) = 703,54 lbf ft (Pound Feet) = 97,25 kgf m (Kilogram Meters).
The search for +1000 whp RB26DETT continues :D
So, the owner had some more Dyno sessions. The car did fine, it held the boost time after time, the engine got some cam adjustments done for different torque setups etc.
After few dozen the dyno sessions the engine was opened and analysed for wear & tear. It was fine, everything as it should be.
So the engine is going for some more boost, as the latest dyno figures were disappointing for the owner – you might think, what the hell… Well the figures were just under 1000 Wheel Horsepower, 996,6 whp to be exact. He wants +1000 whp from 2,6 litre engine, hah.
The new plan is to run it at 2.5 - 2.8 bar boost. The previously used 2.3 bar boost killed the Nismo twin plate clutch, a new HKS 3-plate sintered version is swapped for the new challenge. The pressure bearing for that set up is custom made by Valtonen Motorsport.
The previously used Panta fuel was changed to VP Q16 fuel (120 oct).
Other additional goodies are the new carbon doors, boot lid, bonnet, front fenders, front bumper, mask and OEM style rear spoiler. The weight saving is going to be huge.
The new Cusco 1-way diff found it’s place at he front, so did the new 1.5-way LSD at the rear. This should help with the grip problems.
And like any hiperformance car – they should have in car entertainment. Period. The owner choose Alpines finest to keep him happy when the engine shoots it self to the million pieces – nice theory. He's comment was: "This way you’re always happy in you’re Skyline".
Here's the final Dyno sheet & figures. Pretty damn impressive!

Max HP at the wheels!!! (Wheel Horsepower)
733,9 kW (DIN kW) = 996,6 whp (DIN hp) = 982,97 whp (SAE hp).
Max Torque at the wheels
954,9 Nm (DIN Nm) = 703,54 lbf ft (Pound Feet) = 97,25 kgf m (Kilogram Meters).
The search for +1000 whp RB26DETT continues :D