Alien2nrs in japan - Shibuya, Akihabara
Shibuya is a shopping and entertainment district in Tokyo.

About million people goes trough this intersection daily!

When the light turns green...

R34 spotterd on the way to the center.

Center Gai - birthplace of many Japanese fashion trends.

Gundam's everywhere.

Nice Kitty poster... Hello rescue!?!


The famos Shibuya crossing. On the background is the Shibuya 109, witch is a trend setting fashion complex. Over hundred boutiques on ten floors!

People about to cross the intersection...

Unleash the mayhem :D

On our way to Akihabara the electric city - we spotted this S15 Spec R.

Akaihabara is also the gamers paradise.

More robots.

An other clean S15 followd by tuned Lexus.

Aria Company Lancer was spotted as well.
Next we ordered some Robot food. How to use the machine? Here is how...

Teemu having hes Robot snake soup dinner.

My set was good, Sapporo beer crowning it.

About million people goes trough this intersection daily!

When the light turns green...

R34 spotterd on the way to the center.

Center Gai - birthplace of many Japanese fashion trends.

Gundam's everywhere.

Nice Kitty poster... Hello rescue!?!


The famos Shibuya crossing. On the background is the Shibuya 109, witch is a trend setting fashion complex. Over hundred boutiques on ten floors!

People about to cross the intersection...

Unleash the mayhem :D

On our way to Akihabara the electric city - we spotted this S15 Spec R.

Akaihabara is also the gamers paradise.

More robots.

An other clean S15 followd by tuned Lexus.

Aria Company Lancer was spotted as well.
Next we ordered some Robot food. How to use the machine? Here is how...

Teemu having hes Robot snake soup dinner.

My set was good, Sapporo beer crowning it.
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